IEEE Journal of biomedical and health informaticsIEEE Journal of biomedical and health informatics ifIEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics Impact FactorIEEE Journal of biomedical and health Informatics review timeIEEE transactions on biomedical engineeringIEEE JBHI review timeIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering impact FactorIEEE journalIEEE Journal of biomedical and Health Informatics Impact FactorJournal of biomedical and health informaticsIEEE Transactions on biomedical engineeringIEEE journalJBHI Impact FactorIEEE BHI 2024International journal of medical informaticsJournal of biomedical informaticsIEEE Journal of biomedical and health informaticsIEEE Journal of biomedical and health informatics ifIEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics Impact FactorIEEE Journal of biomedical and health Informatics review timeIEEE transactions on biomedical engineeringIEEE JBHI review timeIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering impact FactorIEEE Journal of biomedical and health informatics IFIEEE JBHI templateIEEE jbhi special issue
謝瑞建專任副教授任職於元智大學資訊管理學系,專長為:medicalinformatics,以下為謝瑞建老師的專長及系所詳細資訊: ...